Monday, March 5, 2012


·         Models in a room (manikins) and the real model.

·         Man perfecting the models and one model is real.

·         She looks at him when he leaves the room.

·         He falls in love with her, but as she is a robot she has no feelings so she keeps pushing him away.

·         He hits her round the face and she falls to the floor.

·         Upset he runs to her as he thinks he has killed/broken her.

·         He takes her to the operating table and tries to fix her

·         They kiss

·         Flashing lights

·         But she wants to get revenge and she kills him

·         Last scene is her in the corner scrunched up in a ball.

Here is a brief storyline for our film, which highlights key points that we would like to happen in the story. These key points are where we are perhaps going to have lighting,costume or hair and makeup changes as in each point the situation changes, and characters change. We do understand that this needs to be more descriptive in order to capture emotions and movement in the way that we want to. We now just need to translate this into a storyboard.


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