Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First day of filming

Today was our first day of filming and I'm really happy with how it went, and that was also the overall vibe I got from the group when we finished filming today. At times we felt a bit pushed for time- but we all worked really well as a team and therefore we were able to get all that we had planned done today.
We had an amazing make up artist and two really great film students that helped us so this made our job ten times easier.
Firstly we started by setting everything up and running over the plans with the make up artist, the film guys Ben and Webster and Dave.
Luckily we managed to get quite a few mannequins by asking around. I got one from a friend who works at Debenhams, Francesca got one from BHS and Francesca and Sarah also borrowed two from the mirror room in the Victoria building.

The make up artist then started doing our model Katri's make up in the style of the MAC by Gareth
Pugh, and she also put pale make up on the male model Ross to make him a similar colour to Karti so they didn't look completely different on camera.

We then cleaned the mannequins to make sure they were presentable for the camera.
We were really pleased with the way the make up turned out. We then dressed the model in a long black dress, a harness necklace and had her hair scraped back into a high ponytail. We filmed the last scene first as that one required the most make up, so we felet this would use our time more effectively.

After scene four we filmed scene three, as the make up was quite similar. Above are some of the images of the make up we had done for scene three. We used glitter foil lips which looked really good I thought.

For scene three we filmed Ross our male model running- as if he was running to Katri, but we wafted card over the lights covering them and creating a flashing lights effect which looked really good.

we then took some still shots of katri as we really liked our styling for the third scene.
For our final scene of the day we shot scene one with the mannequins as we had to take all but one of them back. In this scene we had Katri stand still amongst the mannequins as if she was one of them, and Ross walk around them all perfecting them, and as Ross walks out katri's eyes follow to indicate that she is actually human.

Overall I think the shoot went really well and am excited for tomorrow's shoot.


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