Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today we did a still photo shoot for the film, mainly focusing lighting and body shapes so that we know exactly what we want to achieve in the film, and we found this actually helped us with camera angles also.
This morning Me, Francesca and Charlotte Malpass met Ben, a film student that Francesca has managed to get to help with our film, in the Atrium to discuss our storyline and also to get any tips and advice we could on shooting a fashion film. Sarah met us a little later on and we together we all started a storyboard.

At 3pm we had our still photo shoot booked with Dave. It turned out really well and the time we spend in the studio proved really useful, as we now know what kind of lighting we are looking at using in our film and for what parts of the film also. We may not use all of the images from our shoot, but it was a really good sort of tester day for us, as we now have a clearer idea of how to achieve the looks that we want. Here are a few of the images from our shoot.

The facial shots we took were to see what the model's skin was like and also how the tone of her skin looked under the light. We were really happy with her skin and think it will be rather easy to create a porcelain sort of look as she has such good skin. The body shots we took were to get an idea of body composition on the camera. This is the scene where the woman is trying to fight off the man so we want to portray this with extreme body language. We also thought it looked quite edgy. And finally the shots where it looks like she is pushing the camera is also to go with the shots where she is fighting off the man- but also where she is fighting back and attacking him.


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