Saturday, March 17, 2012


After the lesson with Lou myself Jordan and Francesca went to town on the hunt for some mannequins for the first scene of the fashion film. We asked in department stores like Debenhams and Mark & Spencers but no look as the mannequins in there were too expensive for them to let us borrow.

Primark's Visual Merchandising Manager was really helpful he took our details down and said he would let us know if he can get us any mannequins to borrow for next week.

We also went into River Island and spoke to the manager of the preston store he unfortunatly couldn't help us with mannequins at this moment in time. However, he took our details and said that when the window displays are being taken down we can have all the materials that they do not need, and old mannequins in the future.

Our last resort was to ask Bhs where Francesca works, they said that they will get back to us with how many we can lend and if we can have any at all. Overall, i think the day was pretty successful as we have gathered some contacts for future projects.

Charlotte Malpass, Jordan Hulse, Francesca 

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