Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Photos I took on Day 1 of the Shoot....

Day 1 filming


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shoot Day two of filming- Behind the scenes

The last day of shooting went really well, the group came together brilliantly and we got everything done we wanted and more which is excellent, i have taken a lot of behind the scenes photographs and picked ones that i think best represent our choices and what we have done today filming.

Here is a dress that the model will be wearing its glittery fitting in with the theme of the trend, but also floaty at the bottom so when the model is moving around it looks good on camera.

Here are a range of ties that Ross has brought so that we can use different ones in the different scenes, the scene we filmed today the bright pink was used to make him look a little more edgy. 

Here are a few shirts that Ross has worn throughout the Fashion Film, and also the black braces that he has been filmed wearing.

Here is the make-up done by the make-up artist, Francesca added head piece to the whole look which we all agreed really works well.

The make-up artist Becky then added the glitter lips to add to the whole Wonderlab theme.

Here is our two models together ready to start filming. 

Dave then took some stills on a red background that we can add into the film if we needed too.

Here is the media Factory studio that we had from 9:00-1:00 its alot bigger studio so its brilliant for our scenes were were doing today.

Here is Ben, Dave, & Webster helping us set up the studio.

Lights scene where its pitch black and the model just shines the touch around the room and herself.

Model posing for certain shots in the film.

Webster helping to film the dancing scene.

Model dancing, here we wanted to create a fun atmosphere with colours and lighting.

stills of the model again to add into the film.

Close up to show the makeup and headpiece. 

Behind the scenes- Charlotte Malpass

Videos From Today's shoot


Day 2 of the shoot

Today was the second and final day of filming and I'm really happy with the footage that we have, and I think the rest of the group were too. The film students said that we have plenty of footage also which gave us a boost of confidence. I absolutely loved the models fun bright coloured make up I think it really made the shoot. Francesca did a really great thing with a head accessory on the models head which additionally looked great.
The dress was playful yet glittery and in keeping with our theme- and the model was extremely cooperative. Here are a few behind the scenes images from todays shoot.

The model having her make up done- bright bold colours bringing in the colours from the trend.
 Video of the model having her make up done
 The models dress
 The model's head piece created by Francesca
Glittery green lips


Here are a few images my sister took over the filming process, but i thought they looked wicked as she edited them on her phone using a editing software. So i thought you could all see... :-)

Charlotte H

Here are some snap shots from today's filming.

Charlotte H

For todays makeup we went with Bright colours, glitter and a really fashionistic look. The Makeup went amazing and it looked amazing against the bright coloured background we used for filming.

Charlotte H

In our film a torch is featured creating some amazing lighting and used as a prop.It was from ASDA, luckly the design of the torch works well within our trend as its silver and made out of metal.

Charlotte H