Thursday, April 26, 2012


A week ago today, after speaking to Louise, we realised that it was really time to start getting on with editing the film, as we were really running out of time and weren't going to have time to correct any improvements. And I feel that since then we have come along so much as a group.
On that Thursday after speaking to Louise, the whole group met, along with teh film students Ben and Webster, and we managed to edit 1 minute of the film in order to have something to show on the Friday, and we were really happy with what we did. Editing was really hard, yet rewarding because to see what you have just produced felt so good.
We then met up on Monday at 1pm and did some more editing taking it to 3 minutes. Again it was difficult, and really time consuming but again rewarding when we could see what we had produced! Wednesday we met up again, and we finished our editing- but there were a few final bits that really needed touching up, and also credits needed to be added and other small details like that.
Today (Thursday) the whole group met at 10 am in the library to sort out our presentation. We went through each slide together, making sure that we had everything off the list that we had been emailed.We had so much research, it was really hard to put it all into one powerpoint. At 11 am, we all made our way to the media factory to meet Ben and Webster, so that we could put final touches to our film such as credits etc and also burn it to disc ready for the presentation the next day.
We added all the credits, with our names and all of the people that helped us with our film; the models, the make up artist, the photographer, the brands and music that we used. However Ben and Webster then started discussing logo's with us, and said that we should have our own logo. So they helped us make one, and our logo said 'Fashion Brand Management- Fashion's Future Generation', we decided to put this at the beginning of the fashion film, along with the title 'Wonderlab'.
We then continued with the presentation, making sure that we had put everything in it that needed to be in it. We then decided who wanted to say what in the presentation, and Francesca put it on the blog, so that each person could go home and prepare something to say. We then went to the library and mounted the trend boards, as we decided that it would be nice to have them to hold up/ pass round the class whilst we were speaking, as they were what we used for our inspiration during the filming.
I then went home and printed out handouts of the powerpoint for Louise and Dave for the next day, and also make a dvd case cover as I thought it would look more professional.
I am really excited to see everyones fashion films tomorrow and show ours as I am really proud of our work, and think we have worked really well as a group!


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