Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meeting with the filmstudents and editing film

Before the Easter holidays and during the holidays the entire group discussed what we wanted and which scenes we want where with our film production students Ben and Webster. Today on the 17th of April at 9pm I met Webster and Ben in the Media factory. They both showed me what they already (during the holidays) edited and we edited some footage together. Then I showed them what footage needs to be added and which scenes need to be speeded up to make it edgy. Afterwards they showed me some music they found, but I thought the music was to slow and not energetic enough for the fashion film. Then I remembered that when we had a meeting with Louise, the group was looking at some music by Gareth Pugh (also the film editor of the Mac make up film that Jordan found). I did not remember which songs we chose but Webster, Ben and me chose a soundtrack of 2011. Then when we watched the edited video (but not finished edited fashion film) it suited the fashion film amazingly. I am very happy that we have such professionals (Ben and Webster) helping us with this project because it makes this project very professional and it prepares us for the outside world.
At 11:30 we looked at the Mac make up fashion film to get some more ideas if needed. Tomorrow or Thursday Ben and Webster will give me the edited scenes for Friday( so we can show Louise what we have done until now). We had about 1 hour and 50 minutes worth of footage. This has then been cut down to 15 minutes worth of footage and we will try to make this as professional as possible. With the best footage and the best stills we calculated that we would have approximately 7 minutes of footage at the end of next week showing only the best results.


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